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 System Announcement:
Welcome to choose the internet banking service of ICBC(Europe)S.A. Milan Branch         If you have some difficulties when you are using our service,please contact the branch directly:+39 0200668899 or contact your relationship manager for the assistance         You could also write email to banking@it.icbc.com.cn to get further information        
Milan Branch Home Page> Verify e-Receipt>

(It is suggested using the following browser versions to visit ICBC Internet Banking: IE8-IE11, Chrome20-Chrome87, Firefox10-Firefox51, Safari5.1-Safari11, Edge89-Edge101
Welcome to ICBC (EUROPE) S.A. Milan Branch Internet Banking. For Windows users, in order to guarantee your safety and convenience, please download and install Internet Banking Assistant 32bit/x86 or Internet Banking Assistant 64bit/x64
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